Elliott, Emma, and I left Thursday after work (about 6pm) for Little Rock! My brother Justin was getting married... Em was great anf fell asleep by 9pm, and Elliott made it driving until 12:30, just past the Missouri state line. Friday morning Em was up-and-at-em by 7am, so we had breakfast and on the road by 8! We had to stop for Elliott's conference call at a gas station (PERFECT for people watching!!!!!) in Arkansas, then were NOT surprised by three accidents just outside of little Rock that put us in stop and go traffic. The drivers down there were CRAZY!!!!!! Anyway, we got to our beautiful hotel room by 6pm and to the rehearsal dinner by 7pm!!!
Cute story... We were listening to stories about Christine and Jsutin, at the rehearsal dinner, and Elliott was trying to get Emma to eat her Creme Brulee dessert. Ellitot told her, "I'll give you five dollars if you try this". So, Emma took a bite and said "Where's my five dollars daddy?"!!!!!!!! He laughed so loud, and everyone turned and looked:)