Friday, April 27, 2007

She's a growin'

My goodness, our little nugget is growing so fast! It is official, she is too TALL for her New Born Onesies and her New Born diapers are too tight and the "rise" is too short..... I went yesterday to buy her a new pack of diapers because we ran out (and the other brand that we had seemed too big) - but by last night they were just too tight. The poor thing could barey sit up because the diaper was so tight around her waist! They say that they do actually grow over night - but my goodness we never expected this. I will try and remember to take a picture of her too tight onesie today at some point.

Another thing that I have noticed is that she has really started to grasp onto her and my clothes, or she will grasp the bottle when dad is feeding her. It is so fun to watch how she develops in to a little person almost daily. She is also really starting to make more noises, sighs and such, especially after she eats. We took video of her snorting last night.... Can't wait for you to see that!!!

Em and I really learned our lesson yesterday. We REALLY took it easy, tried to just let things go as much as possible - THAT WAS HARD! But, I felt SO GOOD last night.... Of course then she went on a feeding frenzy:) She had the bottle from dad, almost 5 ounces, then wanted MORE from me and kept eating and eating..... I was waiting for her to spit it all up, all night long. BUT NO! It all stayed down - I guess that is how she is growing:)

The pictures here are of Tom taking HIS place in the Boppy! And Em before our walk, and after once she woke up (I thought it was so funny how she just looked "stuck" in her clothes - poor thing!)..... much love to all


Mom said...

I miss her soooooo much it hurts and I hate not being able to bounce over and hold her and love her. Can I come to visit soon?

Mom said...

Great Grams birthday is today, April 29th and she wishes her baby Emma Marget a wonderful day!