Ok, so yes, this is Emma and Elliott watching Ultimate Fighting!!!! Just for a couple of seconds though, so I could get the cute picture:) I think it is adorable how she is just lounging back on him, her little belly protruding. The other picturte is of her after she ate last night. Again, notice her hand resting on her "grandpa" belly. She was so tired, and you can't see, be she continually hold herself up with her right hand at the base of the highchair. She is eating SO well. She just opens her mouth right up for the spoon.... Last n ight she must have been really hungry, she was fussing and squirming and almost crying during the first part of her meal, and then I think she realized that this was eating and filling her up, because all of a sudden she stopped and she just couldn't get the food fast enough. So I think she is realizing the concept of "food" when we sit down to eat in her high chair.
What else? OH!!!!! YES!!!! I can still dance!!!!! I ended up going to take my FIRST class in almost a year yesterday. It was supposed to be technique, but ended up being the first of a five week session in contact improv/partenring. It was so fun, and I really felt like I had never left, except the fact that it literally kicked my ass...... My legs were shaking when I gopt home! I had to eat some carrots towards the end of class becasue I thought I might pass out or throwup:) HA! In the poast I would have been tired, but the class would not have really affected me, but OH WELL!!! not too bad considering, I would say. ANYWAY, least to say I will be going to take class at least once a week, if not twice - it was AWESOME!
That measn that El got to spend time with Emma, and he fed her cereal for the first time. He said it all went great. I always love to hear all that they did when I get home.
The poor thing, we think her other bottom tooth is coming in too now. She had a hard time sleeping yesterday, but once I gave her the oragel and these homeopathic teething pills that we have, she was able to realx and fall asleep. SO, I guess we'll be dealing with that for a while. OH!!!! AND!!! So mmuch to tell... El went in to get her out of her crib yesterday morning and she was rolled over at the foot of her crib! That is the first time she has rolled in her crib. The other night we were at John and Allison's and she was just rolling and rolling.... So dang cute.
We were hoping to go to the fair Today, but it is raining now, so we will see how that goes... love to all...
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