Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Oh My God.... I am EXHAUSTED and so is Emma!!!! We've made it through our first week at the Attic, with Emma staying at my dear friend Jessica's. THAT part has been wonderful. Evidently Emma has been great, taking naps, almost convulsing she was so excited to see Aliyah (2 months older than Em), and she's been eating up a STORM!!!!! BUT, she is as tired as I am.

I feel terrible, as I brought her with me to the studio tonight, El is in Portland.... She criend almost for an hour:( I feel like a terrible mom!!!!! But, now I know I will really need to find a sitter I think might ask Jessica, we'll see.

I am sorry, but I am seriously SO tired, I can't write more. Oh... bu tI do need to tell about El and Em last night (he had her while I was at the studio last night). I guess he put her in her "jeep" stand-up bouncy toy and had her facing backwards, then pulled her in it, around the "circle" of the kitchen, front entrance, dining room, and then had the dogs chase them!!!!!! I guess Emma LOVED it, screeching like she does, waving and shaking her arms. I can just imagine how cute that was!

love to all...

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