Wednesday, January 23, 2008

New Teeth?

Sorry, no new pictures today. I just didn't have a moment to spare it seemed, until Emma was in bed. She is CRAZY! She only took an 1 1/2 hour nap today. She was up from 12:30, no nap, and I couldn't keep her up past 6pm. SO, a semi-relaxing evening. Cooper, Tom and I are up in bed watching American Idol (Roscoe seems to not be feeling well, so he is in the garage).

Anyway, Emma is just so busy! She has found the blinds and LOVES how they make noise inbetween her fingers. The minute she wakes up she is looking around and grunting at things. I know she in talking to me, I only wish I knew what she was saying and thinking! It is so dang cute.

Tonight I saw a "bulge" of another tooth coming in on her top left side, so that explains the lack of nap, and her crying or screaming in the middle of playing of just walking around with her walker. It is funny though, she get s SO mad and frusterated when what she is waking with or moving around, doesn't go the way she wants or gets stuck somewhere. She just squeals and then will most likely shak eit as hard as she can. Her nickname is becoming "destructor"....

Love to all..

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