Tuesday, August 26, 2008


so sorry I have been taking longer breaks inbetween posts.  i have been having full days with workshop, el got here saturday night, so we've been unpacking things, went to the state fair with mom, and then of course there is always an "emmrhoid":)

I've been trying to upload pictures since last night and it isn't working, so I will try again tonight!

emma had her first day at Carol's yesterday - she didn't want to leave when I came to pick her up!  That was the best thing that couldhave happened, because it means she is happy and comfortable there.  She only fussed for a minute when I left, and let Carol hold her.  I guess she played great all day, took her bottle but didn't fall asleep so had lunch (skoppy joes, corn, and strawberries!), then Carol put her in the crib and she cried for about two minutes, and when Carol went in to checkon her she was asleep! When I got there to pick her up she immediately wanted to take me outside to show me the playhouse that is outside that she can wash her hands in and move the windows open and close.  When we left the older girls wanted to give her a hug goodbye!

So, day two today, and El is goign to pick her up!

Love to all.....

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