Monday, November 16, 2009

Best picture ever

Who's child is this????? Yes, it is ours???!!!!! Elliott caught this sweet picture of Emma while I was at rehearsal yesterday afternoon. They get to have daddy/daughter day every sunday for the next couple of months! So good for both of them not to have nagging mom around:)
Yesterday morning I heard "Cheese... Mommy, take my picture!" and she'd set all of her animals up together

Daddy wanted to get Em a trains set for Christmas, but we saw one and she went right over and took it off the tracks. That's when he decided maybe he'd need to wait a while for a "nice" set. So he came home saturday with this AWESOME plastic used one (I was so proud of him!!!!) that she ADORES it and it is OK if it eventually gets destroyed (she is the destructor of all things:))

Love to all...


Anonymous said...

That first picture is the sweetest snapshot of your little girl!!

Eileen said...

That is a sweet picture. The train looks fun. I'll want to get one eventually for our family too.