Thursday, December 10, 2009

First Big Snowfall!!!!

Although we froze our bums off - it was only 6 tonight - we had a perfect MN night! Yesterday we had a snow day.... Yippie! So I promised Em if she fell asleep good for her nap, then we would go out and play afterward. So we ALL bundled up and went out. She saw the kids across the street playing with their sleds, turned to us and said, "I want one of those.... a red one!" She is so clear on what she does and does not like:) So I ran in to Target on my way in to work and they had a red one! She had to "hold" it in her lap on the way home from Carol's and promptly got us all outside. The grown-ups lasted about 10 minutes, but it was one of those moments you wait for and when it happens it is so special...

What up, G?

Emma "cleaning" out her book shelf!

Helping Mommy make banana bread in her new mixer, from Daddy, for Christmas! This is really the first time she has stayed interested in what we were doing the whole time. Her attention span is improving so much, and it makes it even that much more fun to do things with her.
Love to all...

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