Monday, February 14, 2011

Sorry it has been SO long!!!!! I have been working on my Portfolio for my Teaching License just about every night since New Years!!!! So here is some of Jan and Feb... Emma is growing so much, it is crazy. She is learning and thinking and bossing:)
They had pajama day at Carol's last week so we dressed Emma and her babies in their matching night gowns. CUTE
She got SO MAD the other day (which is a daily occurrence these days - MANY times a day really!) so she crawled under the kitchen island, and then she got stuck! She is actually bowling in this photo - poor girl - she was angry and stuck and her mom was laughing and taking pictures!

We celebrated my Mom's birthday Saturday night. Elliott made AMAZING Kabob's on the grill per her request! Emma reading her the "you are my sunshine" card that she picks out for all grandmas, over and over again:)

Emma, Auntie Becca (three weeks away!) and Uncle Chris

Carrot Cake....

Dear Emma TORE in to the carrot cake, and was cutting it, getting so frustrated, so she just dug in with her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mommy and Emma

Tonight Emma decided she needed to keep Cooper comfortable and warm, so 6 blankets later and you can see his giant head belittled by the covers! We had a great night - she was very sweet, and I am slowly learning to handle her desire to always be right, in charge, and her utter lack of fear in saying no!
'night to all:)


Holly said...

Emma is looking so grown up! She is adorable.

I didn't know Becca was pregnant too! Looks like Emma is going to have 2 cousins the exact same age.

Miss you..

Mom said...

Thanks Jill for the posting--Emma just gets more beautiful every month!! How funny she got stuck!!! I didn't know that Becca was having a baby--how nice and exciting to have your family grow--Emma's going to love having a real live baby!!!!. I miss you all so much. Can we start thinking about when and where we can all get together? Love and kisses to you all!!!!

Mom said...

Would you post some pics of Elliott as well--sure miss my son!!!

Mom said...

just checking to see any new postings. miss you all!