Monday, July 16, 2007

good monday morning to you!

What a great weekend we had... Sunday especially! Saturday we got things done around the house, and then had a BBQ for friends that evening. IT was great having everyone over as that doesn't happen very often. Emma wasa little wound up though, so from about 8:30 on her and I went up to the bedromm so she could unwind a bit and finally I got her to sleep about 9:45pm.... WAY TOO LATE! Least to say I went to bed while people were still here!!!!

Sunday was great. I just decided I wanted to hang out with Emma. Since she hasn't been sleeping with us, and nappin gon her own, I feel like sometimes I don't see her! So, we pretty much relaxed, no work, and played together all day. She is just talking a mile a minute and so expressive.

This morning I had to wake her up to eat at 630 because I was leaking:) She just didn't want to go back to sleep right away, and I got video of her being SO talkative. Anyway, we went back upstairs to try and get her to sleep about 745, but she wasn't having it. El came in and tried his magic for awhile. Even though she was rubbing her eyes and arching her back and batting her eyes, she was still jabbering at him a mile a minute. FInally she got fussy, but El noticed that she was realy just fake crying!!! At 31/2 months!!! Anyway, once I got to her it was pretty real and she was demanding food. It had ben two hours:) So finally she just got back to sleep. It's nice though sinc eI am a morning person and I can get stuff done now. I may go out and weed a bit before we go to Costco and maybe to the gym, but I may try running around the pond/lake today using Emma's "Jeep Running Stroller"...

Happy Monday to all and much love...

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