Saturday, July 21, 2007


Here are a few pictures of Ms. Emma. On her stomach I think is so cute, and she can actually life herself up a little higher than this, but was about ready for a nap when I took this picture so she is at the "end of her rope". The other is of her looking at her mobile in her crib getting ready for the nap. As it ends up I had to move her to the other end of the bed becasue she was so into the mobile that she was getting frusterated that she couldn't fall asleep!!

She is really starting to "play" with things. This means she will really grab at things now and hold on to them. She loves playing with the toys that hang from her carseat. And on her playmat, this morning was the first time that she really grabbed and pulled at things, so that was exciting!

Other than that not much else new here... love to all

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