Sorry the video didn't work... I guess I have to change it to an MPEG or something, I don't know. I'll work on it.
Here is Emma last night doing her "flying baby" impression. I think this helps strengthen her back. Dad was assistiong her to her hands and kness, just lifting her off the ground a bit and he would bring her knees underneath herself. Then she would faceplant, but it's a start!
We had a good day yesterday as we started to get things moved from upstairs to down, to begin work on the house. The spare bedroom is almost cleaned out, just the bed is left. Then we played some basketball "PIG" and I won both times!!! El made a good dinner while I tried to get Emma down, but she wasn't rewady so came back downstairs while we ate. Then tried again and she was ready this time and went right to sleep. El an I enjoyed a nigth together watching UFC! It was nice....
Today he goes to the Seahawks home opener. Em and I haven't decided what we are going to do yet. She is napping now. We might go do a little galavanting, we'll ssee what we get inspired to do...
love to all
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