Yup, so we've moved on to squash! And doesn't it look tastey? She is doing so good, just taking to whatever we give her so far. We'll see when we get to the green veggies though:) Dad tried to give ehr some of his baked potatoe the other night and it just came right back out on to my jeans:)
I can't remember if I mentioned eysterday, but she is reaching for EVERYTHING! Whatever I have in my hands she wants, so that is fun to see her reacting in that way...
I went to class last night, well, attempted! I left at 4:45 and was expecting slow traffic at a certain point and I wasn't let sown. BUT, I was not expecting one of the off-ramps that I take to get directly into downtown, to take a 1/2 hour. Needless to say I sat on the ramp watching the minutes tick by on the time/temp clock of the building next to me. I was 15 minutes late when I pulled into the parking lot at the dance center, and you just don't go into a class that late.... SO I turned around and got back into traffic going home! I called El and said I'd go back on Saturday, so that is the plan. I did stop at BArnes and Noble on the way home but they didn't have the book I wanted:( It was a bust of a night. HOwever, I guess Elliott must have fed Emma REALLY well becasue she slept through the night!!! I asked how much he fed her and he said "A LOT" with a smirk on his face. He said she just wanted to eat! So, maybe I need to give her more at night, I don't know, ut it certainly felt good. Of course, I work up before she did this morning all worried:) But, at about 6:45 my little alarm clock (otherwise known as Emma) woke up and ate. SO it was a good night all in all:)
This mornig we will got to Jessica's and visit with her and her girl;s Ella nd Aliyah (who is 2 months older than Emma). Jessica will be watching Emma while I am at the Attic (where her daughter Ell ais a student). So it should bea good morning. El is going to the MEgadeath concert tonight downtown so we get a girls night.... Who knows what that means?!
Love to all...
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