Here she is climbing on Coop. He was depressed becasue El was gone. the other picture is of the new travel stroller that El got for Em. Em and Coop are always together and she has no fear (no reason to be affrain either) - will go and grab his bone or ball, then throw it at him to "catch", or will run in the opposite direction with it so he will chase her.
The doctor noted today that Emma's personality really came through in the way she explored and payed attention to things. She noted that Emma didn't miss a beat - this we know! She watched everything the doctor did. When she had the "eye looker" she let Em play with it, and she noted that Emma played with it in a way that most 15 month children would not, and then wanted to know if she had an older brother...... i said "well, her dad is kind of like having an older brother!!!!!!!" anyway, i said that she was a "quirky" child, and we love her!
gotta sleep. love to all.....

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