Em and I went to the Farmer's MArket in Everett yesterday. Wow! It was beautiful... On the marina, with a nice breeze blowing, a band playing, and lots of dogs for Emma to see:) She was so dang cute, I thought:) She had to see every dog first of all. Then when we were through the market we stopped to listen to the band playing. Well, of course Emma had to dance and she put on QUITE the show for her audience of strangers. Then she went over to this lady, I thought becasue she wanted to see her dog.... Well, no, Emma wanted one of her DORITO'S!!!!!!!! And of course the lady melted and gave Emma one! Good lord, she isn't shy. Then we were dancing some more and she went to give another lady (thank goodness she was a grandma too) her spit out, chewed up, Dorito pieces...... ANYWAY! We had a lovely time.
We came hom ein time to get a few things ready as John, Allison, Mason, and Peyton were coming over for dinner. That was so fun too, as Em and Mason got to play together a little bit (although is not quite ready for playing "together" yet). Really they enticed each other with who had the baby stroller! We had a lovely time sittong out on our patio, with ribs, beans, potatoes, and salad.... And fresh raspberry shortcake for dessert.
Poor Ms. emma was a mess and exhausted, and had ot have a quick bath before her 8:30 bedtime, which is two hours after she usually goes down. But, she is sleeping in abit this morning! It is our first swimming lesson this morning... Wish us luck.
Love to all...
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