Saturday, April 23, 2011

ONE of Em's Birthday Celebrations!

I can't believe it has taken me so long to get a post up! I've had so much going on at work, tired, no motivation - what have you:) Anyway, here we are finally - although I still haven't gotten the awesome pictures my Dad took at Emma's gymnastics birthday party with all of her friends posted yet! Soon....On Saturday April 2nd we celebrated Elliott- and Emma's of course! - birthdays with dinner at my mom's. Above is Emma putting an apron on Uncle Chris, who is always a good sport with her unending affection towards him:)
The birthday cake my mom made for El and Em

On Thursday the 31st of March, the actual dates of their birthdays, we took Emma for lunch at the American Girl store and then on rides for the day at the MOA. Here she is on the merry-go-round - exhausted (our little 4 year old STILL takes naps - she's always so busy and is naturally a late to bed early to rise kind of girl!).

Obviously Emma is quite tall for her age - and she was so brave and ASKED to go on rides all by herself! Elliott and I both teared up here:)

She wanted to go on the swings in the chair all by herself for the first time too - and was totally thrilled the whole time! Elliott is sitting in the chair in front of her, facing her in this one.

There is video and more pictures that I want to get up - it is just a matter of time and energy:)

love to all


Mom said...

wow great pictures--looks like fun--can't wait to see you all soon---love and hugs

Mom said...

saI see you have lilliepie posted--so happy for us all...