Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We hosted Thanksgiving this year... and boy was it crazy!!! Grandma Patterson (El's mom) was here to visit, and then we had my Grandma Hinrichs and Aunt Judy, my mom and Denny, Bec, Chris and Landon, and Peter and his caretaker Clement, all over. And of course, Emma was CRAZY tired - which equals CRAZY energetic!
While Emma looks adorable in the picture below, you can see on Papa Denny's face that she was about at her wits end trying to get this picture taken, and I believe she went down for a nap right after this. She was so exhausted because Elliott and I (without sweet Olive who stayed home with a very happy Grandma Patterson) took her to see a 7:00 show of Happy Feet 2 the night before. She was so excited to be with out Olive for a change:)
Grandma Patterson loving Olive!
Emma's look of the night! While she was kidding in this picture, it is not far off! I swear I thought she was going to fall asleep at Turkey Dinner!!!!!
Big girl Emma with the "baby" grandkids - we were all actually so impressed with her! she held on tight to them and was just full of proud smiles and fun as she held them tight - such a good big sister! And cousin Landon, well he is just about as easy going as they come!
Great Grandma Dorothy was able to come as well, and she had a special treat holding Olive.
I can't think of much more now, as I am desperately just trying to stay awake to finish this posting!!! Love to all....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Em's frist day back at preschool!

Notice the baby... sleeping... on the floor... all by herself!!! This is big - she really likes to be cuddled - which is sweet, just not all the time!
Emma's monster hands - she LOVES to get the feeling of things on her hands! She was done immediately after this of course, because what fun would it be to paint????

Big Girl Emma picked out her own clothes this morning, for her first day back at pre-school - she has her princess back pack on, which has literally not left her side since we gave it to her! She takes the bus today from Carol's and then I pick her up... so excited to hear what she thinks!

Last night she AND Olive came with me to teach, and I was dreading it - but Emma is growing up! She did so good, drawing and dancing around, of course I did tell her is she behaved (and we talked about what that meant) then she could choose somewhere for us to go out to dinner tonight! I am sure you can't guess where she wants to go - McDonald's!!! I should have given her some choices:) Oh well, I was VERY proud of her last night!

Love to all...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Santa arrived at the Mall of America Thursday evening, and my mom and I took Emma. Santa arrived on his sleigh with his reindeer - and Emma got to hold Santa's hand! She was so thrilled and giggled with joy - I had tears in my eyes! Here she is holding her baby with a dress that had snowflakes like the coat she wore, and was almost purple, just like her (her favorite color - which was also mine when I was little!).
Below - another picture she will kill me for when she gets older!!! On the way to the mall, at 4:30 pm, she must have been wiped out. I went to pick up my mom, and Emma looked at me when we pulled in to her driveway, and the she closed her eyes. Poor girl...
Yesterday, Sunday, we celebrated Papa Denny's birthday! It was fun to finally have three grandchildren running around the house! Becca's little one, Landon, is 7 months old and crawling up a storm. You can see they are trying to get him in to soccer early (they both played in college!).
In other new Ms. Olive turned One Month Old yesterday! In some ones I can;t believe it has already been a month, and in others I can believe it has only been a month:) She is sweet, and loves to be held and snuggled. Last night she slept in her crib, on her back, for about an hour and a half - that is a huge accomplishment!!! Her cheeks and rolls are filling out, so we know she is eating well. Ms. Emma loves her sister more than we ever could have imagined, and often wants to hold, hug and kiss her.
Emma and Papa Denny - of course she had to help him open all of his presents!!!
Emma starts back at her speech pre-school tomorrow, and is excited to take the bus! I will be interested to see how it goes - she is sweet and full of joy - but if told her the sky was blue she would say "no, I am certain it is purple" :)
Love to all...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Papa Jim and Nana Visit!

One last Halloween picture - Emma as Bolt, Elliott as Ken (can't you tell?), and me as a Kangaroo !
Me and Emma, Olive and Em's baby.... Can you guess what sweet Emma is doing?? She'll despise me for this picture in 10 years:) But, really it is so sweet how they emulate all you do.
My Dad and Jackie came to visit after Elliott's mom, from last Thursday to Sunday. They were such a huge help, we certainly appreciate all they did for us! Plus, Jackie is the Baby Whisperer and always has good advice, besides the ability to make Olive fall asleep!!!
Papa Jim and Olive
Olive Nana and Emma
I am typing with one hand so that is all for now. oh yes! When papa and nana got here i asked Emma what she would like to do special. She replied that she would like to get some fake nails! I said that i meant would she like to go somewhere special. To which she replied, how about Target?
Love her!!!!!