Thursday, July 31, 2008

Beauty Queen

She's a beauty... One in a million girls...

Well, we are a little biased, but the picture with the dandelion IN on in a million!

Thought you'd also like to see her modeling her new Ariel swimsuit. Look at that belly!!!

And finally, our sweet girl "dancing to the beat of her own drum" - literally. Who knows what music she was hearing in the middle of the air field! She is encouraged by clapping and "go girl"'s from dad!

Love to all...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Emma is OBSESSED with airplanes. We have an airfield behind our house, so she always hears them. Well, when she hears a plane she stops what she is doing and reaches, and looks. When we were at the park today she started chasing after the planes, running with her arms in the air. When I came home and told El he said "we have to go to the airfield".

Here you can see Em waving goodbye to me, reaching with her dad towards a plane in the air, chasing after a plane all on her own, and FINALLY we saw a plane landing.

So we wonder, will she be a pilot like her Uncle Justin?

Love to all...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cookie Monster!!!

Ok, so she goes running over to the pantry, pulls on the handle and makes noises that one might relate to a monkey! She wants a cookie..... They are organic and all natural, naturla sugar (still sugar, I know!), so we feel a little better, and we don't have any for breakfast:)

Well, today she wanted the whole container and was walking around with it, emptying them into the container, and handing them to me and El, then giving them to Cooper of course:)

We started our second week of swimming lessons today and Em was so great at goin gunder the water! She started making a face when I started counting "1 -2- 3", and would clap her hands when she came up, and got over her moment of shock.

She's a rascal...

Love to all....

Friday, July 25, 2008

Dancing Queen

Little Ms. Emma decided she didn't need more than a 1/2 hour nap today!!!! Poor girl was CRAZY tired by 5:45 tonight. But earlier today she was a dancing queen - with the shakers that JEssica gave her - she just shook them as hard as she could and took off dancing. Notice the red Crystal Light mustache?

Love to all....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mama's Shirt

Ema was a disaster after breakfast the other morning, so I had her running around in just her diaper. Well, as I was folding clothes she was investigating them (As usual) and got my shirt on. I took a hair binder and tied a little knot in the back so she could wear it without tripping.

She is in love with vacuuming, wiping up the floors, sweeping (think she sees mom doing that a little bit lately?), etc. And as you can see she always had to see how something feels in her mouth!

I am not sure if I have reported that Emma knows that her wet wipes are for wiping her parts? Well, today she needed a wipe..... So she could wipe her BABY'S parts! Isn't that hilarious?? The baby that Gream Grams gave her for her birthday is her favorite right now (I even had to take the clthes off of it today so they could be washed). The baby goes almost everywhere, and I even had to put the baby stroller in the backseat with her today!

Oh and she went under water today at her swim lesson. We did it a few times and she didn't cry at all, just a little shocked. She is such a trooper!

Love to all....

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sweet Pea

Just a quick note as it's late.... Em's face is a little dirty in this picture from this evening - it is from the dirt she tasted. No good, I guess:) Another favorite past time is jumping on Cooper!

More later, Love to all...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

First Swimming Lesson

She was so dang cute! I KNOW I am biased, but she got a couple of "looks", and her instructor thought she was cute too. Em was being goofy, so I get it. In these pictures she just noticed that there was a whale on her swimsuit.

So we practiced jumping in the water, but she preffered to sit and then reach for me and be pulled in, but that was pretty good. And we tried to get them to blow bubbles, and she tried! But pretty much just ate the water. She like being on her belly, and didn't mind getting her ears wet, but we're still working on being comfortable on her back. We'll see how it goes today!

Love to all....

Monday, July 21, 2008

She's Not Shy!

Em and I went to the Farmer's MArket in Everett yesterday.  Wow!  It was beautiful...  On the marina, with a nice breeze blowing, a band playing, and lots of dogs for Emma to see:)  She was so dang cute, I thought:)  She had to see every dog first of all.  Then when we were through the market we stopped to listen to the band playing.  Well, of course Emma had to dance and she put on QUITE the show for her audience of strangers.  Then she went over to this lady, I thought becasue she wanted to see her dog....  Well, no, Emma wanted one of her DORITO'S!!!!!!!!  And of course the lady melted and gave Emma one!  Good lord, she isn't shy.  Then we were dancing some more and she went to give another lady (thank goodness she was a grandma too) her spit out, chewed up, Dorito pieces......  ANYWAY!  We had a lovely time.

We came hom ein time to get a few things ready as John, Allison, Mason, and Peyton were coming over for dinner.  That was so fun too, as Em and Mason got to play together a little bit (although is not quite ready for playing "together" yet).  Really they enticed each other with who had the baby stroller!  We had a lovely time sittong out on our patio, with ribs, beans, potatoes, and salad....  And fresh raspberry shortcake for dessert.

Poor Ms. emma was a mess and exhausted, and had ot have a quick bath before her 8:30 bedtime, which is two hours after she usually goes down.  But, she is sleeping in abit this morning!  It is our first swimming lesson this morning...  Wish us luck.

Love to all...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Toy

Em and I ventured to Snohomish yesterday (this adorabe little antiquing town about 5 minutes form us), and we found a toy store. Well, Emma found a stroller that she could push her baby in..... And Mom bought it (it had ballet shoes on it, how could I pass it up????). Well, we took it right out of the bag nad but her baby in it and she wheeled it right out of the store.

Just imagine a bubbly, speedy, blue-gray eyed girl marching down main street with her mini-stroller nad baby. We got quite a few looks and sweet words from passers by.

AND last night mom went to a movie!!!!! I saw Mama Mia and highly suggest it to anyone who loves a little song, laughter, and romance. It was great, and the audience even clapped at the end!

Love to all...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Murphy's

Today Emma and I were fortunate enough to get to visit with the Murphy's - Jessica, Ella, and Aliyah (Jess watched Emma this past year while I taught her daughter Ella at the Attic!). Jess suggested this beautiful park in Redmond (about 40 minutes south of here), with huge trees and trails, and horses, goats, pigs, bunnies, docks, and sheep. Oh good lord, the girls went crazy! It was such a wonderful visit as I just think the world of them. And it warmed my heart to see Emma go to Jessica and immediately want her to pick her up, and Aliyah was just as loving. Notice how tall and big Ms. Emma is? And Aliyah is two months older, with some height added in with that hair!

Love to all...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


so emma is seriously OBSESSED with the dog food (and the cat food for that matter). as soon as she hears the sound of the food being dumped into the food bowl, she comes running. thankfully Cooper is the least aggressive we've ever known - he is a teddy bear- so she can sit right there with him while he eats, and put her hands in the bowl to help herself. it is all natural dog food, but still. after she has started putting handfull sin her mouth, i have been shutting the door (he used to be in his kennel so she could only get a kernel or two! ). she just loves it so much! and loves the feeling of the food vs. the water.

ok, off to bed, love to all....

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Park Day

About 3pm today I was able to drag Elliott out of the house and head to the park with Cooper and Emma. We were all so glad we went (eve though it was HOT here). First you can see Emma walking with El and Cooper, and notice who is holding on to the leash - little Ms. Emma of course. She loves to walk Cooper and Roscoe. Inthe next picture you can see her reaching towards the sky (she does this whenever she hears an airplane now too - as we have an airfield behind out house so she hears them all the time) and there is a kite flying, and she was just dying to get to it! You can see her climbing up the slide with dad and swinging on the swings with me (it is often very hard to get her off the swing, and if you stop she with bounce her legs to tell you to keep going).

She also tried the merry-go-round, the kiddie swing, and took a dip in the "lake" with dad . We had such a good time and Cooper SO much attention!!!! Ok to eat grilled prok chops, love to all....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Big Day

Well, if is official - our house is on the market! Now just send out all of your positive thoughts that it sells, and some time in the near future so we can all be together.

Today we took a VERY much needed break from working on the hosue. It has been NON-STOP. So we went to a park on the Sound, with BOTH dogs, and Em of course. Well they just about wore us out. Emma had to go down to the water, and then into the little wading pool, she had to chase after every dog (and there were LOTS), then she had to take Cooper and Roscoe for a walk. She holds the leash (while dad holds on closer to their collars) and leads them down the sidewalk. She just loves it!

Her first molar has come through - FIANLLY! Tuesday night she woke up crying so many times that I finally went into her room with the blanket and pillow and pulled her onto the floor with me. That is the first time I have had to do that since she was 9 months old and cutting her front teeth! For two days she would wake from every nap and cry for about 1/2 hour until the Tylenol kicked in - poor girl (she is so happy, or surly, but she doesn't really cry usualy so I was actually quite woried). And just wanted me to hold her. Today though, back to life as normal - until the other molar starts to come in:)

love to all....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

no more "shorty-long back"

Em had her 15 month check-up today and she weighed in at 28 lbs. and 33 1/4 inches tall. She is literally off the charts, the percentile does not go that high, seriously......................

Here she is climbing on Coop. He was depressed becasue El was gone. the other picture is of the new travel stroller that El got for Em. Em and Coop are always together and she has no fear (no reason to be affrain either) - will go and grab his bone or ball, then throw it at him to "catch", or will run in the opposite direction with it so he will chase her.

The doctor noted today that Emma's personality really came through in the way she explored and payed attention to things. She noted that Emma didn't miss a beat - this we know! She watched everything the doctor did. When she had the "eye looker" she let Em play with it, and she noted that Emma played with it in a way that most 15 month children would not, and then wanted to know if she had an older brother...... i said "well, her dad is kind of like having an older brother!!!!!!!" anyway, i said that she was a "quirky" child, and we love her!

gotta sleep. love to all.....

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

Little Ms. Emma was quite sassy tonight at Holly and JAson's annual 4th of July gathering! The poor girl was ready to falla sleep on our way over there, and then didn;t get to bed until 8:30. As a matter of fact, I left with her and she fell asleep not more than 2 minutes after we left thier house.

Emma had a ball running around the yars, chasing the dogs, grabbing and shaking peoples glasses of soda, searching through the garbage cans, trying toget bottles of beer open, reaching for the m and m's (she had tried them today for the first time - she had three and then I put a stop to it), chasing after the ball, chasing after dog toys...... Least to say I am EXHAUSTED!!!!!! Note the sassy look on her face in the picture of the three of us. Of course Holly and Jason were lovely hosts and we saw great friends, which we will dearly miss, but I was ready to get Emma home:)

We were able to get almost all of the mulch down in the backyard today, and the nase boards are all nailed in.... We are VERY close!

Ok, I gotta go close the windows so Ms. Emma doesn't wake up! Love to all...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

True Happiness Is....

True happiness is riding in the car with dad!!!! How dang cute is that smile? El got that pic while they were on their way back from the dog park on saturday.

Notice how Emma wears her sunglasses? She will have them on her eyes for just a bit, then she moves them where she prefers - behind her neck!

Gotta rest - love to all....

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hot Days

Dad jsut had to go get Emma pool! It was in the Upper 90's over the weekend and that is hot here with no air. Usually we can't keep her out of the water, but she only wanted to play in it for a little bit. She's gone in it a few times since, but just for a little bit (what is funny is that that first day the water was FREEZING and that is probably the day she spent the longest in there). The first day in the cold water she would sit down and just suck in her breath and then stand right back up - so funny!

On Sunday, Allison brought the two kids over so they could sit in front of our new window air conditioner. Emma usually can't give away enough kisses, but that day she wanted nothing to do with Mason's kisses!

This last picture shows how wonderful Cooper is with Emma. You really would think they are brother and sister. He follows her around the house and steals whatever she has in her hands, and she gets mad and goes after him. He lets her climb and crawl and jump and tromp all over him. She runs to his kennel the moment he gets fed (she seriously has a thing for dog and cat food and eats it daily!!!!!!!!) and watches him wat, getting her hand in his food and water bowl. They are pretty cute together.

Oh! And Emma has learned to help Mama "wipe" her when changing her diaper!!!!!! She also helps me clean floors, firniture, vacuum....

Love to all