Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Toy

Em and I ventured to Snohomish yesterday (this adorabe little antiquing town about 5 minutes form us), and we found a toy store. Well, Emma found a stroller that she could push her baby in..... And Mom bought it (it had ballet shoes on it, how could I pass it up????). Well, we took it right out of the bag nad but her baby in it and she wheeled it right out of the store.

Just imagine a bubbly, speedy, blue-gray eyed girl marching down main street with her mini-stroller nad baby. We got quite a few looks and sweet words from passers by.

AND last night mom went to a movie!!!!! I saw Mama Mia and highly suggest it to anyone who loves a little song, laughter, and romance. It was great, and the audience even clapped at the end!

Love to all...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Is that Baby Emma that Great Grams got for her?