Friday, May 23, 2008


Emma ALMOST got herself all the way into the cupboard.... Man, she is BUSY!

Today we spent a good 15 minutes searching for the keys to the truck. Finally I suggested Elliott search in the recycle bin we keep in the hall closet. Sure enough! Ms. Emma ahd swiped them from the counter top and dropped them in!!!! So now we REALLY have to be careful where we put things. I am slmost certain that was the fate of my missing contact lense case - that was actually CARRYING the lenses at the time!!!!!

Love to all...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Reading the Newspaper

How cute does she look in her Florida Flamingo dress from Great Grandma Hinrichs? And doesn't it look like she is really reading the newpaper?

When she is really tired she will lie on the floor (it is really the only time she seems to stay put!), so Elliott decided to join her the other day. She gets her leg up in the air in a really great ballet attitude position!

I am too tired to list Emma's antics, but you can bet there are many:)

We are busy getting ready for Gandma and Grandpa Loerch coming this week to help us work on the house! That will be so wonderful to have some help....

Love to all...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Frank Part II

Good lord! She is so strong and loves to test out JUST how strong she is! Here she is carrying her music table from Grams Patterson. She is so funny....

Yesterday was HOT - 90's! She did pretty good, but I did break down and have her just in her diaper at home. Something I never said I would do. But the poor girl was sweatin' in the house as it was 84 in here, with no AC.

She lasted for over 2 hours at Lowe's, when we went to get things to work on the bathroom's. She ran around sometimes, praticed putting the cap on the water bottle over and over again, played with my wallet, and found a piece of paper and a penin my purse to draw with. At the end she was so excited to find a bucket, that was almost as big as she was, that she could carry and drag around. When we were checking out she also found a red Lowe's Basket, and attempted to carry both that ans the bucket at the same time. She was entertaining the women at the checkout for sure.

Well, another beautiful day in store here. Em woke up at 5:30 this morning, so was all ready fro a nap by 9am! Now I don't know what to do with myself - there are a million things, but they take all day! so, I think I am off to pack up the rest of the dining room hutch.

Love to all...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

she's a fan...

Emma is a fan of getting us by grabbing our fingers, then leadinh us to the cupboard so she can climb up on top of it. once there she opens the cupboard to pull out the dried blueberries, the parm. basil wheat thins, pistachios.... actually she is obsessed with it and makes dolphin noises until we o it! well yesterday she wanted the blueberries and just ate and ate them - her poo was literally blue!!!!!!

BUT they have added sugar - and out little girl was exhausted AND having a tooth issue (her loars are coming in on one side) AND wired from the blue berries we guess..... she was up/asleep until 9:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a long one.

love to all!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Love Tim

Here is Emma giving her bear Tim, "love". When we say "give him love" the hugs things, pats their back, or rubs her face in him. This is what she does to anything she "gives love" to. Notice her pink pants - they are 24 months, and supposed to be capris (from Grandma and Grandpa Hinrichs) - but they fit her great as normal pants!!!!!

Emma also knows what a pen is for (when it's not being used for chewing) - and made her first piece of art yesterday! I kept it - ha ha!

Emma must have gained 2 pounds at the grocery store today. It seems that lately I can't get out of there without opening something before it has been purchased. Today she dug and dug into the "Pirate's Booty" - great natural cheese puff snack.

We also spend time exploring outside (which means walking up and down the street and sidewalk, finding things to carry, and things that might go in her mouth). She fell in the grass a couple of times, and it was so warm that she had just a dress on, and she was NOT happy about that prickly stuff on her legs!

Love to all...

I guess that's about it from here.

Frank the Tank

That is Elliott's new nickname for Emma, "Frank the Tank" - because she IS a tank! She loves to carry anything and everything around the house. The garbage can, a child gate, her clothes hamper, a Costco size container of microwave popcorn - anything!!!!

She is also climning on anything and everything - her kitchen set, etc.

Yesterday we went to visit John, Allison, and their new baby Peyton Mae at the hospital! She is a beautiful baby girl and we are SOOOO excited for them! When we were there Elliott got Emma this pig that sings songs. So she was a little interested in that while simultaneously playing in Cooper's food keeper.

Well, that's it for now.

Love to all....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Freezer Fun

Emma loves to play in the freezer! These Egg Rolls are especially fun. I should learn my lesson, because I STILL haven't founf the bag of peaches that went missing a week ago!

We had a lovely Mother's Day - I got roses from Elliott and Emma this morning, and cards. And We spent the day playing together, watching a little golf. Ms. Emma was enthralled with Dad's computer - she does not care to know the meaning of the word "no"! SO struggled time and again to get her fingers onthe keyboard.

Ok, I am tired. Wishing all the mom's a wonderful day...

Love to all...

Saturday, May 10, 2008

SLeeping, Drinking, and Walking

Em fell asleep on our walk the other day, and when she did she had her head resting against the front of her stroller! I tried many times unsuccessfully to get her head to lay back but she was having none of it. A lady even stopped to tell me, like she would choke or something!

El thought it would be funny to see her with the Foster's..... So there you go

Today El put a spray on the roof that helps with the moss we get here in the midwest. Em was so intrigues to se ehim up there! AND she was thrilled to have the newspaper to carry around.

Las tnight Elliott surprised me with a Mother's Day evening out! He asked John to come over (and he and Allison are expecting their second baby any day now!) to watch Em (once she was in bed)!!! Isn't that sweet? It is the 4th time we have been out since Em was born - wow! So we got all fancy and went to REd Robin (I love their turkey burgers) and then went and saw a movie. Sweet Em slept the whole time - we had a great time!

Love to all...

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Emma LOVES Thomas, otherwise known as Tom Tom. And he is soooo amazing with her! He's only gotten cranky a couple of times. Yet, she jsut goes back for more! She also LOVES to vacuum. I can barely get anything done because she either has to do it herself the whole time (think she's independant?), or she chases it around and gets in front of it to try and pick it up.

Emma and I went to the Attic's play today (that is where I work) and she wore this cute outfit that Grandma L made her. She should have been exhausted becasue she spent almost the WHOLE hour walking up and down the stairs with mom's help.
The three of us ate dinner tonight, all together, for what may be the first time! That was fun and entertaining. El got food on Em's fork for her and then she would eat it. Fun!
Lvoe to all....

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tom Boy/Girl

Oh man, look at that little Elliott! Dad gave her a mowhawk, then read to her. Notice her crossed feet? She always sits like that and I think it is adorable.

I am dang tired, so this will be short. Apparently El taight Emma to play tug-o-war with a brush half in her mouth and half in his - he sayd they played for almost 20 minutes tonight and groweled at each other! can't wait to see it tomorow.

Love to all...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

10 Second Rule

Em is a big fan of the 10 second rule - although she often extends it to 180 seconds, or more! I gave her some Cheerios (also known as Doochies) the other day and she proceeded to put them on the floor and then lay on the floor and eat them without her hands:) She is really so goofy. I remeber saying when she was like 5 months old how silly I thought she was, and I had asked my mom if I was that way, are all kids that way. She said no, and it is true that Em is a "silly ham", and goofy monkey, and we could tell right away!

Yesterday I was making breakfast and turned around and there she was in the drawer of the stove! Isn't that the devils look on her face? Well, she also loves to play in the freezer and now I am missing a WHOLE package of peceches!!!!!!!!!!!! Elliott and I both checked immediately in the stove drawer (that is where I found the mangos last time!).

It was beautiful here today and Em and I enjoyed quite the time outside (while dad painted the spare bathroom - yippie!!!). She just walked up and down the sidewalk, carrying her rocks, trying to sneak one in her mouth every now and then.

Love to all...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Um Ya Ya

Um Ya Ya - Go St. Olaf! That is the saying that goes along with St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. Aunt Becca nd Uncle Chris went to school there and got Em this t-shirt for Christmas. Dad put it on her the other night to wear to bed (it is a size 2T, but you can see htat it is only a little too big for her).

I gave her a fork to eat her spaghetti with the other evening - wow! She knew to dip the fork in the bowl, but didn't get much food on it. She's on her way though!

Elliott got the vinyl floor from the upstairs bathroom torn out, so we may paint in there tomorrow. Em and I went to pick out paint today - very exciting!

Well, not a whole lot else new here today. Sweet little Em keeps us moving!

Love to all....

Friday, May 2, 2008

All boxed in...

Wow! Sorry it has been so long, I guess it was a crazy week. These pictures are from LAST weekend, and I am jsut getting them up now.

What new adventures is Emma into? Well, shea has figured out how to lift up the toilet seat - yippie!!! She acts like she is washing her hands in it (like she does in her play kitchen), although thankfully she has never actually touched the sides of the bowl OR the water! She has learned to climb onto the big rocking chair in her nursery, and as mom is always "getting something done" we had a close call the other day. I didn't know she could climb onto the rocking chair, and all of a sudden there she was!

Emma came with me a couple of times this week when I taught dance class, and I have been dancing for her a little bit here and there. Well I was doing pirouettes (turns) the other day, and that night, I looked into the family room and there she was turning in circles, while doing her one arm swing dance! It was so cute. She has added a little bouncy one legged stamp/jump to her dancing moves over the week, too.

That's about it from here. Cooper is officially TALLER than Roscoe - serenity now!!!!!