Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th

Little Ms. Emma was quite sassy tonight at Holly and JAson's annual 4th of July gathering! The poor girl was ready to falla sleep on our way over there, and then didn;t get to bed until 8:30. As a matter of fact, I left with her and she fell asleep not more than 2 minutes after we left thier house.

Emma had a ball running around the yars, chasing the dogs, grabbing and shaking peoples glasses of soda, searching through the garbage cans, trying toget bottles of beer open, reaching for the m and m's (she had tried them today for the first time - she had three and then I put a stop to it), chasing after the ball, chasing after dog toys...... Least to say I am EXHAUSTED!!!!!! Note the sassy look on her face in the picture of the three of us. Of course Holly and Jason were lovely hosts and we saw great friends, which we will dearly miss, but I was ready to get Emma home:)

We were able to get almost all of the mulch down in the backyard today, and the nase boards are all nailed in.... We are VERY close!

Ok, I gotta go close the windows so Ms. Emma doesn't wake up! Love to all...

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