Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday at Oliver Kelley Farm

Sunday Emma, my Mom and I drove and hour north to Elk River, where there is a working 1860's farm, that is part of the Minnesota Historical Society. We had such a wonderful day! It was warm for certain, but not humid or unbearable. Plus, it was just off the Mississippi, so I am certain that helped. We had a picnic by the river and we had our first mosquito bites of the season - and poor Emma reacts SO strongly to them!!! I MUST remember bug spray every where we go - she almost gets welts from them!

Here she is with her inch worm, "Wormy", that she carried for a good 15 minutes on the stick!
The farm has people around working as they would in the 1860's, wearing typical clothing as well. They are were all so nice and knowledgeable and always asking for you to help them! Here she is with the cow tied up in the yard

Tony the Ox, who was yoked for plowing in the field (the other one was NOT friendly!)

Emma's favorite part was the Mama farm cat and her 7 babies we found in the sheep shearing barn! SOOOOO cute, about 6 weeks old. Emma is quite the little mother in training, telling where to go and what they had to do, sharing them with other people near us, telling me who and how I had to hold them!

These silly pigs were DIRTY - and they enjoyed eating dandelions from Emma's hand!

There were sheep running all around the yard..

We were excited to find there was a little "trolley" available... Notice Emma holding onto my mom's shorts as she pets them. I was kicked by horse, in the chest when I was about 5, so I have some major issues standing too close to the back of any large animal!!!!!

Tuckered out.... :) Love to all


Holly said...

Love the pictures but I want to see one of your belly! :-) Emma's hair is so cute all curly from braids. My mom did that to my hair when I was little. Kittens were always my favorite on farms too. :-)

Mom said...

Looks like so much fun. Emma as always looks so pretty and she loves animals like her daddy. kittens are so cute--sometimes i'd like another, but Mattie is really just perfect and so easy to care for and love. see you soon.