Thursday, December 27, 2012

Yes, it has been a while!

 My silly husband....  TRYING to take a family Christmas picture!
 Emma and her cousin Landon
 Olive wearin' some big daddy shoes!
 Big Sister Emma is such a good sharer!  And Olive especially likes whatever Emma has!
 It only took Olive a couple of days and she knew that the watering can was for the tree.  Now she will often go get the watering can from under the sink, go over to the tree, and then take the can back to put it away under the sink!
 Sweet Emma helping me blow out the candles for my 37th birthday!
We had my mom and Denny come over, and my mom took care of making dinner, the cake, setting the table, and cleaning up!  I felt very special...  I also got a homemade decorated cake on a Depression Glass Cake Plate!
 I felt very lucky to spend a weekend in SLC the weekend of Dec. 1!!!!!  My dear friend Rachel sent her family packing to Southern Utah for the weekend, and we got to spend two days together (with sweet Olive!) around SLC and in Park City.  It was such a lovely treat.  
 While in SLC I was able to spend one night with my dear friend Natosha as well.  IT WAS A FANTASTIC time!
 My Dad spent two weeks here while my grandma recovered from and illness, and Nana was abel to spend the weekend with us as well.  It was so nice having them here!
 Big girl dancing!  Olive is just as sweet as can be.  She is also benefitting form having an older sister around.  She is 14 months and is already signing the word for "more" and often we get a "please" with it!  It is such a joy to see her wanting to communicate and being able to do it.  
 WE finally had a nice snowfall!  Elliott had to plow the driveway two times in one day!  Em and I had a blast building this big girl with the jalapeno mouth.
 Olive really warmed up to my dad and she fell asleep on his lap one morning.  She's been getting her one year molars so a little medicine makes her a little extra drowsy.
 My mom took Emma out to a Christmas Brunch at the American Girl Doll store, and I had gotten her and her doll matching outfits on cyber monday.  I may be a little biased, but I think she is beautiful here!

Making some Christmas cookies!  My mom came over for our annual holiday cookie baking day.  Emma was really interested in cutting out the cookies and did a pretty good job!


Mom said...

Love all the pics. What a wonderful Christmas with all my children and Grandchilden together for the first time in years and the 1st time to ever have all of us together!!! Time went too fast--I wish we all lived close to each other and I could have you all over for dinner each week and do things with the kids--blessings on all

Eileen said...

Hi Jill, I just caught up on your last few posts. Your family is just beautiful! I'm amazed at all the activities you are able to fit in for Emma and your family. It sounds so nice that you are near your mom and can enjoy traditions like Christmas cookie baking. This past August we visited my aunt/cousins in the Twin Cities and spent most of our time with my brother in Duluth. We went to the Canal toy store, walked along the water, and even swam briefly. I'm glad you had a nice getaway weekend. Those are always much needed.