Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chair Obsession

Emma was obsessed with her eating chair while we were in Minnesota. The moment she was finished eating she insisted that we unhook her chair from the table so that she could play in it and put her baby in it (her baby "Emma" from her Great-Grandma Patterson goes EVERYWHERE with her!). She also enjoyed carrying the chair around, up and down the stairs that she figured she could go up and down on her own.

Wow! She is just getting to be so much fun. She is a sweet little dickens, mostly happy, easy going, but does have the "alligator roll" down well.... you know, how kids can arch their back, throw their arms in the air and toss their head back, and then just dead weight - so you can do NOTHING with them!

She is SLOWLY beginning to TALK! That is the most exciting thing for me, to see her little mind working and watching my mouth move as she listens and decided if she can get her mouth to make the same movements and sounds. Today she really started to say "Emma", and we've heard attempts at bye-bye, grandma, moo, woof-woof.... that's all I can think of for now. I can't wait to hear her voice, because I think her "uh oh" is so dang cute!

Well, that's it for now, I gotta watch the end of "So You Think You Can Dance"

Love to all

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