Friday, August 29, 2008

Fun with Nana

Grandpa H (we haven't decided on a name for him yet, Grandpa, or something that fits more with Nana?!) and Nana came in from Michigan today.  I coerced them into driving out here for Labor Day weekend (it wasn't that hard - they haven't seen Emma since Christmas).  So they stopped by my mom's house on their way in to town today.  Emma and Nana practiced throwing the fish their food.  This is Emma's favorite activity here and I swear the fish are going to explode if they eat much more.  Tomorrow we are going to take Em to the state fair with Gpa and Nana - that will be an adventure!  For those of you who live out of state, the MN state fair is a HUGE deal and a HUGE affair and it is going to be PACKED tomorrow.  Elliott will just love it:)  But Emma WILL love it, seeing all of the animals especially.

She has been doing very well at Carol's.  She cries just a bit when I leave, but it usually done by the time i am at the end of their drive.  She waves goodbye to the kids and today she wanted to give Carol a kiss goodbye, so that is pretty darn sweet.  She eats pretty well, and naps the best of all!!!!  Good girl:)  Carol thinks she is sweet and fun, and not as fiesty as she can be at home:)

Ok, love to all.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I had a Nana and her husband was my Opa. He was German. I also had a Papa and a Grampa Wood. I always liked Nana and Papa together. Daniel has a Pabick, its Armenian for Grampa... anywho, there's a few to start :-) Glad you guys are all together now!