Saturday, October 11, 2008

fall in mn

i have an emmrhoid in my arm, so only using one hand right now:)  these are pics of emma from last weekend.  you can see how long her hair is getting - but neither of us has the heart to cut it yet!  she has a new giant coloring book with washable crayons (this is helpful when her crayon get "away from her"), and she loves to pu tit up on the foot stool, and then sit on TOP of it when coloring.

She was out exploring in the backyard and discovered the wheelbarrow turned over, and was so distraught (she can't stand things out of place or fallen over).  She we pu tit upright and then she thought she needed to get in it!!!!!

she has got a terrible cold this morning, so I'm hoping that gets better this weekend.  We are planning on going to a place called "Emma Crumb's" this afternoon to pick apples and get some pumpkins (we can't wait to see what she does!).

We sure are missing those who are not near us right now, and thinking of you daily.....

love to all....

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