Saturday, September 12, 2009

Emma, Tommy and Baby watching Sesame Street in the morning
I came in to Emma's bedroom on Wednesday morning and she had her bunny, kitty, and baby all lined up, and asked me, "take my picture mommy!"


Emma got some new shoes for fall (of course I had gone to look for shoes for me and I left without shoes!) and she LOVES them! The first day she got SO sad and angry when I wouldn't let her wear them to bed:)


Anonymous said...

That's too cute. Don't come between a girl and her sparkly shoes :-)

AllisonK said...

Oh my goodness, she is just so cute!!!!!!!!!

Mom said...

I love your shoes Emma and think it is so sweet that you take such good care of "baby"
I love you so much you little adorable precious child!!!
Love You!!
Hugs and Kisses,

Madeline Jennnejohn said...

Jill - Emma is so grown up and so absolutely beautiful! I love how she posed in her bed and asked you to take her picture. Madeline and Lillian are always ready to have their picture taken too - they love to pose for the camera! And why is it that every baby doll of every little girl that I know (including Lillian's) is always naked? Just curious! xoxo, Rebecca