Sunday, February 24, 2008

She's a girl!!!

HEre's Em all dressed up looking like a girl, for real:) She's been called a boy like three times in the past three weeks! I really don't care, but it is funny when she is wearing all pink, or a dress?! My mom and I have decided though that already she is just a little tom-boy - we'll see!!!
ANyway, here she is all dressed up to go to our friend Fawn's baby shower. It was just lovely, but Em got tired so we left early and she was literally asleep within 5 minutes of getting in her carseat!

When we got home she was just enthralled with the gift bag from the shower. She carried it ALL over the house, switching hands, shaking it, looking inside, taking things out, then moving along. Now that REALLY was like a little girl:)

Love to all...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You both were a treat to have at the shower! Emma looked adorable in her little pink dress.