Thursday, August 20, 2009

Great Grandma Visits

I was making pulled chicken enchiladas last night for dinner, and Emma keeping busy was how I got it done! The above picture is how she stayed busy.... 5 wet dish towels, 10 wet dishes and a big silver bowl, dish soap, a big wooden spoon, a LOT of paper towels, and an endless supply of water! I know, not very environmentally savvy, but the enchiladas were really good:)
Elliott has been obsessed with sushi lately and so Emma has been introduced to chop-sticks! She went and got these the other day all on her own so she could eat her blueberry muffin.

Helping Daddy make mashed potatoes! She was scared to death that the mixer was going to be loud and was hiding behind my legs when he first pulled it out. Once he started it we decided, "That's not so bad, huh?" And then she loved it!

We had Great Grandma Hinrichs over for dinner on Tuesday night and Emma just loved her sparkly butterfly pin! It was so sweet to see them together - at one point Emma tried to get on her lap!
Love to all...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Elliott you are such an amazing father and husband!!!!! How wonderful Great Grams gets to come over for dinner--wish we could too