Monday, July 23, 2007

company coming!

yup.. lots of company! my aunt judy is coming today to stay for two days, and then my mom and denny come on thursday!!!! so very fun. we also got to visit my sister-in-law Holly's dad and girlfriend this weekend. we always have a lovely time with them.

so all in all a good weekend. i even got to watch a movie friday night!! i think the first fulll length without a child attached to me:) saturday and sunday were mostly cleaning. we (me and emma) had a VERY challenging morning yesterday. we were both exhausted and she had an upset tummy. the poor thing was just bawling and after a while i was almost crying... it was rough, but we made it....

here is a picture of her really staring to play with her platmat. she is grabbibg and puling at things now. it's so fun to watch. dad tried putting her down for a nap last night - but he keeps laughing!!! he thinks she is so funny with all the sounds she makes and faces she puls. and he thought he was gloing to be the disciplinarian!! ha:)

ok... off for a nap... love to all

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