Friday, July 20, 2007

So talkative!

The poor thing, it must be so frusterating, becasue I just know she is trying to tell us things! In the picture here of her lying down you can see how her lips are kind of pursed? She was just talking a mile a minute - so cute! She is wearing an outfit she got from John and Allison (Allison, really, huh?) - cute pink pants and an offwhite top. The pants fir great, but she is built like her mom on the top half (poor thing!), which means she has a really wide rib cage. SO, she can have the top button done up, but the middle two have to be undone becasue it is too tight around her ribs:) That's my girl.... She is still in her 3-6 month clothes, and 6 month for the Carter's brand. I am just waiting for the day she is in 9 month Carter's brand, becasue I don't think it is far off!!!!! We have a baby yetti - just kidding (that's what ehr dad calls me, if you've looked a tmy feet you'd know). She goes to the Dr. on Aug. 1 so we'll know her height and weight. She is just a big girl, no way around it.

Not much new here otherwise... Sleeping in the crib is going well and I am learining to sleep through the night:)!!! She is up like clockwork for her 6:30 feeding, but I can handle that.

Guess that's all for now... Love to all

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