Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ok, Here are the goofy face "boy" pictures

SHe does look like a boy, huh? But who dresses their son in these clothes??? Oh well, I think she's dang cute and that's all that matters:)

So I had a revelation this morning... I've been having a really hard time because there is never a set time when I can work outside or get things done, because she is not on a schedule (by my choice). BUT, she does sleep in later than me ususally now (although she has consistently been waking up once inthe night to eat) if I let her. SO, I am going to get up and work in the early morning, as it has been very warm and sunny. DUH! Why did it take me so long to figure this out? So, tomorrow moring I think. Granted I am tired, but I can always nap with her later in the day.

We went to the gym again yesterday and we both lasted 15 minutes longer than the time before! Then she fell asleep.... We ran errands, took some things to the Goodwill also. She basically slept for 2 1/2 hours!!!! I had already done my cleaning in the morning and SWORE I was not going to do anything else. So I worked on her scrapbook a bit (I am on week 5).

Not much else to report.... She was a sleepy bug in hte afternoon, talkative as usual, and smiley (but I have a hard time capturing it on the camera as it is old and has quite a delay!!!). Today we go to the dentist, then maybe groceries and another run to Goodwill.... Love to all....

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