Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Cutie Patootie

She is a cutie patootie and she has a new "thing"... She likes to stick out her tongue. Of course the first time I thought she was doing it to me, because I would do it back to her, then she'd do it back to me. But alas no, she is simply either exploring this new found sensation or it feels good on her gums. I don't know, but it is SO CUTE! I need to work on getting a picture of it soon. She's just be smiling or sitting there and she sticks her tongue out.

It seems that she might have had her first giggle last night too, but no one else heard it! She was sitting facing me and we were tlakign or something and she giggled I swear, but I coudn't get her to do it again. So we'll keep working on that.

Not mcuh else new. Bed time and afternoon naps have been very challenging lately. I can just walk with her into her room and she'll start fussing or crying a little! Poor thing... She seems to be winning the battle, if we are keeping score. However she does sleep in her crin through the night, so I guess I can't complain that much. I've heard first hand from many parents about driving around the neighbor hood, the freeway, over and over again, just to get their baby to sleep! SO, we can count our blessings:)

We had a lovely time with Aunt Judy, and that is where these pictures come from. Her cheeks are all red and pink because she got a little rash from sucking on her fingers so much - she is obsessed...

Grandma and Grandpa Loerch come tomorrow, so we are excited for that!!!!

love to all...


Mom said...

she is sooooooooo dang cute!!!!!!!!!!!

Mom said...

i just figured out a bit ago how to be able to get right to this blog faster and how to be able to comment quicker--doesn't anyone else ever comment?

Mom said...

Hi Great Grams would like this picture. Is that possible?