Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Getting into the Bassinet....

Here is a picture of our sweet little girl in her bassinet - FINALLY! She sleeps with us during the night, but in the past 2 days she's been sleeping in her bassinet for about 1/2 hour at a time during the day. This is good progress! Soon we will work on the night time... You can see her here covered in her "bunny" blanket from Gma and Gpa Hinrichs...

What else? Elliott woke up with us about 2am last night.... We both worked simultaneously to get her to fall back asleep - "shushing" in both ears (this is supposed to mimick the sounds in the womb. She would fall asleep then wake up as soon as we stopped and let out one of her "old man" grunts and groans. Elliott laughed for a good 5 minutes!!!! She is so vocal in this way - I wish I could put it on here for you all to hear!!!!!!!!!

Today I try and "pump" so Dad can bond a feed her in the evenings (not in the middle of the night mind you!). Em and I are also going to a Parent "support" group at Evergreen Hospital (where we delivered) - a bunch of new mom's sitting in a circle and talking about their experiences/concerns, etc. So we'll see how we like that! We may stop and see Dad on the way home so he can say hi to his little bug. Then it is bath time tonight - as she likes to pee as soon as the diaper comes off!!!!! Lord knows how many times she's peed on herself in the past three days......... For boys they have little "Pee-Pee Tee-Pee's"! But no such thing for girls, although I am working on different tactics!

Love you all......

1 comment:

Grams said...

Yee!! She's using the bassinet I bought for her and my, how beautiful she looks in it!!! Oh I'm going nuts, I miss her so much!!! ERRRRRRRRR--help---need to see Emma soon!!! Love, Grams