Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not So Sleepy Bug

Here is Em in one of the new sleeping/soothing positins we learned from Jackie - it is one of her favorites now!

Whew... the day yesterday started off great, then went downhill.... But I definately feel better equipped to handle it after Dad and Jackie's visit!

The morning went so smooth, got the lower half of the house cleaned and mopped and vacuumed all the rooms - was ready for a walk by 10:30! We were all ready to go, dressed and buckled in to the carseat/stroller.... Then I heard it - a big ol poo.... I was in the kitchen grabbing a water and Em was in the living room.... Needless to say I spent the next 45 minutes cleaning poop out of the carseat:) But our walk after that was really nice (in the 70's here!).

Then we ran an errand.... But once we got home there was just no soothing little Em. I don't know if she was too hot, or what? I brought some clothes downstairs to iron, and at 7pm they still hadn't been touched! She just kept waking up after a minute or two of sleep, and after she slept a good portion of the day on her own the day before, yesterday she KNEW the minute I set her down and was SO unhappy about it. El gave her a bottle so I could eat a warm dinner, so that was much appreciated (and he loves doing it too). She is so funny...the minute I think I have her figured out she changes everything on me:) BUT she did sleep from 11ish-to almost 4!!!!! So, we are on the right track....

Today? I'm not sure what we are going to do, there are so many options! We may work on the landscaping a bit, we'll see.... Love to all....

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